Ever marveled at mixed media art, handmade books, or collages and thought,

"How did they create that?"

Here’s Your Answer:
Great art doesn't start with a blank page or a white canvas. It starts with inspiration and the right tools.

Handmade Collage Fodder:

The Secret Ingredient

  • Step-by-Step Projects: Discover unique and exciting techniques.

  • Always Ready: Have handmade collage fodder at your fingertips.

  • Endless Creativity: Transform ordinary materials into extraordinary art.


What is Fodder School?

Make collage fodder . . . use collage fodder . . . repeat!

Fodder School 1 is a big adventure in mixed media art, dedicated to our love for creating handmade "raw" materials and transforming them into stunning projects.

In 11 months worth of content, you’ll dive into a plethora of new projects, guided by incredible instructors from around the globe.

Fodder School is where inspiration meets technique. Join us, and turn your artistic visions into reality.

Hear what our Happy Participants have to say!

Enroll in Fodder School 1 for Access to all 12 Fodder School 1 Projects!

Each project is a new opportunity to create extraordinary mixed media collagesunique book art projectsengaging mail art experiences, or stunning 3-D assemblages.

Start or continue your creative journey with Fodder School 1—be amazed at your potential and the masterpieces you can create!

Join a thriving community of over 5,000 artists who have already experienced the magic of Fodder School. Be inspired alongside dedicated artists who have transformed their creativity through Fodder School projects and experiences.

Fodder School 1 is broken down into 11 unique projects featuring 11 different & inspiring instructors.

We start off each project with a series of "Make Fodder" lessons.

This is followed up with a series of "Use Fodder" lessons.

Every year of Fodder School includes tons of bonus lessons for each project to add interesting twists and educational insights about the month's topics.

You'll also be able to access the previously recorded Zoom LoveFests (these gatherings include several answered student questions and conversations with the teachers about their project lessons)

Even to this day, connect with fellow artists in our optional private Facebook group and the Teachable classroom to share your work and ask questions; it's still a thriving community!

Unbeatable Value:

Transform Your Art for Just $18 per Course!

It's an incredible deal!

One year of Fodder School 1, which includes and 11 months of Make Fodder + Use Fodder project lessons, is ONLY $207.00 USD plus your local taxes.

Amazing Value:
  • Purchasing similar course content individually on Willa Workshops would cost over $1600 USD!
  • Join Fodder School 1 for just  $18 per course.

Whether you complete one month or all eleven, you'll receive incredible value for your money!

Enroll in Fodder School 1 and get instant access to all 11 courses!

Can I use the Fodder School lesson content to inspire my YouTube or TikTok tutorial videos?

That's a hard no.

There's an endless amount of incredible art tutorial content in every year of Fodder School. For some creatives, it's tempting to want to use Fodder School as a well of inspiration for their own creative enterprise, YouTube channel, brand, etc.

Fodder School is not sold with permission for anyone to use it in this way--specifically, as a source of inspiration for any one's free how-to social media tutorial content, whether that be on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok or any other social media platform.

If you are a creative who loves to share your work with the world, that's wonderful! We love it when participants share their finished collage fodder and finished Fodder School projects in photos and videos on social media. Please tag @fodder.school, the teacher of the month, and use our hashtag.

But making how-to videos of yourself while creating from Fodder School lesson content or obviously inspired and derivative of Fodder School content, and then posting those tutorials on any free social media platform, will get you banned from Fodder School with no refund issued.

Fodder School 1


  • Fodder Challenge had not yet existed at the time of the First Fodder School's release; Fodder Challenge 2022 is included in the price of Fodder School 2.

  • When you purchase Fodder School 1, you receive lifetime access 11 months of Make Fodder + Use Fodder projects.

  • The regular price of Fodder School 1 is $207 USD +tax.

  • One year of Fodder School is valued at over $1600, so this is quite an incredible value for Mixed Media Art/Collage Art/Handmade Book Art courses!

What if I can't commit to doing all of the lessons?

There's so much goodness packed into one year of Fodder School that for some people, it can feel like they can't possibly do it all.

No worries! I don't know if anyone can do ALL of the lessons in one year of Fodder School (even I can't do that!)

Pick and choose what you want to do and what you can do-with zero worries. If life gets in the way, start an easier project in the lineup or go back to where you left off-it's totally up to you! That's the best part of having lifetime access once you're in.

Fodder School has value pricing (maybe even extreme value). You're getting a huge amount of awesome content for the money, but no one should let that stress them out about not keeping up or completing everything.

Do whatever you can and want to do. It's all good!

Are you ready to jump right in?

The reviews are in . . .

Fodder School is a smashing success!

"Oh my goodness, where do I start? This would have to be the best course I've ever done . . . I don't want to stop."

-Cathy W.

"If you're not in Fodder School, you're missing out."

-Leona D.

"Joining Fodder School was the best choice I made for my art practice."


"I love Fodder School. I have learned something valuable and fun from every single instructor. I already know that I will enroll in Fodder School 2."

-Justine B.

"Dear people who have not signed up yet for FS1 . . . you will never regret attending on-line Fodder School. You will learn so much about art and having fun with it!!! If you don't feel quite like an artist when you start, you will be by the end! That's what happened for me . . . and I haven't even completed every course yet!!! Go at your own speed and just enjoy the process!!!"

-Jane M

"I've loved everything about it! The projects, the instructors, working at my own pace, learning new things, seeing everyone's interpretation of each project, the bonus lessons . . . so much to rave about!!"


"I love Fodder School! Before I signed up I thought it would be too much for me but not at all. It really fills me with joy watching the videos, finding ways to make my projects."


"Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the past and future teachers in Fodder School and to all the behind the scene workers keeping it running. What a feast of creativity! A full buffet of techniques! I am going at my own pace as I want to savour it all and life does get in the way every now and again. There is so much to learn and develop from each really full lesson. You teachers are so very generous with not only preparing the lessons, but taking time providing feedback as we post. My head is exploding with ideas and my heart is full. "

-Kaye S.

Meet Your Fodder School Headmistress!

Wendy Solganik


Wendy Solganik, aka “Willa Wanders” on Instagram, is a life-long artist and crafter, currently working in watercolor, hand lettering, mixed media collage, art journaling and handmade book arts. From production wheel pottery to scrapbooking to knitting and so many more passions, Wendy always dives deep to master a craft.

After a fifteen year stint as the co-owner of Luscious Verde Cards, a successful, Louie award-winning, custom invitation design, printing and manufacturing company, you can find Wendy at home in her spare bedroom art studio moving around from art project to art project. It is the experience of a delicious flow state while she is creating that keeps Wendy coming back to making day after day.

Wendy balances making art with energetically running her online art course platform, Willa Workshops. Over the past four years, she and other artists from around the globe have launched over 40 new online mixed media art, handmade book, collage art and watercolor painting courses. This includes the epic year long mixed media collage art experience called Fodder School, which is the creation that Wendy is most proud of.

You can listen to Wendy interview other prolific artists on her podcast, “Show Up or Shut Up with Wendy Solganik.” Her work has been featured in Uppercase Magazine and Strawberry Moon, and you just never know where she will wander to next. Find all this and more at willawanders.com.